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A bit about my journey to becoming The Greenwitch.....



I am Katie, aka The Greenwitch.


I am a Herbalist, Reiki & Flower Remedy Practictoner, and I am a skincare maker.  

Back in 2020, after completing my Master Herbalism Diploma, I embarked upon a journey. A quest to discover a natural way of producing a high quality, organic, chemical free skincare range.

Researching which natural oils could help to nourish, revitalize, and care for our skin. Using pure essential oils, tailored to help the emotional aspect of self. Combined with carrier oils and butters that help to nourish, hydrate, and 'glow up' the skin.

Adding Bach Flower Remedies to creams offering additional emotional support.

Being a huge hemp advocate, I developed a specialised range tailored to help both skin issues,  as well as muscular and joint pain. 

Blending the natural essential oils with both a hemp carrier oil and tincture.

Alongside making the skincare, I also make a range of spiritual, reiki charged candles. Channelling the energies associated with various dietes, gods, goddesses, and astrological stars, again combined with pure essential oils. With the intention that when the candle is lit, all of that intention, love and energies fill your space.

Present day Greenwitch has evolved into something more than skincare and candles. I have become the Greenwitch Healer that I have dreamt of becoming from as early as I can remember. From the little girl making perfume out of flower petals and rainwater, to the adolescent discovering the power of words, spells, and intention. To the mother learning how to teach, share, and listen. Now, my children grown, i embraced ALL of myself, the woman who stands before you now, proud to be following my true life path of compassion and healing.  

I can now offer energy healing treatments such as Reiki, guided meditations, ayuverdic massages and I am able to consult and make up bespoke flower remedy tinctures, using Bach Flowers to offer an energy healing, emotional balance and support.

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